Border Collie Knutstas Treja

Knutstas Treja was my first Border Collie, with whom I began my journey into the world of agility. His life and contribution to my daily life and heart will leave an indelible impression.
From an early age, Knutstas stood out for his exceptional character and endurance, along with his extraordinary intelligence, which helped us grow and learn together. He was not only a loving family member but also a loyal companion whose energy and enthusiasm constantly encouraged me to actively participate in agility competitions.
Knutstas was not only an exceptional athlete but also an excellent herding expert. His understanding and communication with animals not only facilitated learning but also allowed us to achieve common goals in herding with other dogs. He was not only loyal and obedient but also constantly demonstrated excellent instinct, which we utilized in various dog sports events.
Over the years spent with Knutstas Treja, I learned that dogs can not only be great pets but also invaluable partners in various aspects of life. His touch on the agility world enchanted me and helped create a special bond between human and dog. Knutstas Treja remains not only my first Border Collie but also a companion whom I will always remember with a warm smile.

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